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Koda za popust in kuponi COLUMBIA

Pripravite se na avanture na prostem s svežim videzom in inovativno tehnologijo. Kupite zdaj opremo za uporabo na prostem in prihranite z uporabo promocijskih kod Columbia na blagajni.
Vaša ocena: Noben
Ocena: 4.8 - 3 glasov

Trenutne kode in popusti

Splošne informacije o Columbia Sportswear

  • Since its founding, nearly 100 years ago, Columbia designs and produces outdoor clothing, outerwear, footwear, and accessories for various outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, skiing, snowboarding, fishing, and hunting.
  • Columbia Sportswear is known for multiple innovations and over the years developed many proprietary technologies like Omni-Shade (for sun protection), Omni-Tech (for waterproof and breathable protection), and Omni-Heat (for thermal reflective warmth).
  • With a rich history and a large fan base, Columbia sells its products worldwide to outdoor lovers and enthusiasts and commits to focusing on sustainability initiatives.
  • We think you should check out the "Explore" section of the Columbia webstore, in order to get professional advice for your preferred sport and learn more about Columbia technologies.
  • We love the "Gear Finder" feature, where members can get professional advice on what type of gear to buy for their needs.

Promotions and discounts offered by Columbia Sportswear

In order to help you find the best Columbia deals, we registered as members on, and surveyed the website and many other information sources to find the best buying strategy for this particular website. We also believe in the power of customer reviews so we checked all the major review websites in order to gain faster access to insights. Here are the conclusions the Couponius team reached in order to help you shop safer and better on
  • As the Columbia web store is a single brand one, our advice is to shop in sales season, Holiday season or during sales events.
  • We found really good deals on the "Sale" section of the Columbia webstore, with discounts up to 50% Off.
  • Prepričajte se, da ste se registrirali kot član in se naročili na glasilo, da boste imeli dostop do najnovejših posodobitev razprodaj ali prihajajočih popustov.
  • Currently, new subscribers to the Columbia newsletter get 15% Off their first order.
  • If you love Columbia Sportswear gear and plan to buy often, we recommend to join the "Columbia Greater Rewards" loyalty program. Members get access to exclusive offers, gifts and special sales, free shipping and a 5% redeemable reward for every $100 spent on the site.
  • Če se vam ne mudi, dodajte želene izdelke na seznam priljubljenih, da boste spremljali ceno in razpoložljivost.
As far as promotions go, on  you can expect to get the following types of discounts and offers:
  • Promocijske kode ali kode kuponov, ki so na voljo na spletnem mestu, na platformah družbenih medijev, v glasilu ali na spletnih mestih tretjih oseb.
  • Sezonske razprodaje, ki potekajo v določenih obdobjih leta
  • Hitra prodaja, časovno omejene promocije z visokimi popusti na določene izdelke.
  • Trenutno lahko najdete popuste do 50 % na maloprodajno ceno v razdelku "Razprodaja" na spletnem mestu
  • Free Shipping deals for a specific range of products or for orders over a certain amount. Currently members of the "Columbia Greater Rewards" loyalty program get free ground shipping on all orders.
  • New registered members receive a 15% discount on their first order.
If you absolutely want to buy now please read carefully the next section, regarding Columbia Promo Codes, what these codes are and how to use them on your purchase. prazno

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o COLUMBIA

Ali COLUMBIA ponuja kode za popust?

Trenutno obstajajo 5 kode za popust in promocije, ki bodo delovale za COLUMBIA aprila 2024, najboljši kupon pa ponuja 20-odstotni popust

How can I save on my Columbia purchase?

Getting the best deals when shopping on is fairly easy. First of all you should register as a member and signup to the newsletter in order to get access to the latest promotions and offers. Second, you should add favourite items to your list so you can keep an eye on the price and product availability. We also recommend you search online for Columbia discount codes that can offer considerable discounts to your order.

Do promo codes work on

Short answer, yes! Columbia offers promo codes on its website and newsletters. In the order summary page, you will find a box that states “Apply Promo Code" where you can redeem coupons.

Where can I find a coupon code for Columbia?

You can find Columbia promo codes advertised on the retailer's website, social media, email newsletters, or even from coupon websites like,,,, or

Can I use a Columbia discount code multiple times?

Well, that depends on the specific terms and conditions set by Columbia for that particular code. To know whether you can use a discount code multiple times, you should check the terms and conditions associated with the code.

How long Columbia discount codes are good for?

Columbia codes can be used until the specified promotion ends. The duration of specific Columbia promotions may vary. Some promotions may run for several days, while others may run for multiple weeks.

What if my Columbia promo code does not work?

Če koda, ki ste jo vnesli, ne deluje, morate:
  • preverite, ali ste kodo vnesli pravilno
  • preverite datum veljavnosti kode
  • preverite, ali veljajo omejitve (nekatere promocijske kode veljajo samo za določene artikle ali kategorije.
  • zagotovite, da poskušate uporabiti kodo za prave izdelke).
Če vse to ne deluje, lahko vedno poiščete drugo kodo za popust in jo preizkusite.

Kako uporabiti promocijsko kodo Columbia?

Learn in a few, easy steps, how to successfully apply a Promo Code on your Columbia Sportswear online order.

  • 1
    Navigate the Columbia Sportswear webstore, select everything you need and add them to your shopping bag
  • 2
    Kliknite ikono "Torba" v zgornjem desnem kotu zaslona, ​​da pregledate svoje naročilo
  • 3
    In the order summary page, locate the "Apply promo code" link and click it to open the dialog box
  • 4
    Now it's time to select the right Columbia Promo Code for your order so search online, select one and save it
  • 5
    Back to your Columbia order summary page, enter or paste the exact code already saved and click "Apply"
  • 6
    Vaš popust bo samodejno izračunan in pripravljeni ste na dokončanje naročila

Trenutne kode za popust in ponudbe za COLUMBIA

🛍️ Kategorija Športna oblačila
🔥 Skupne ponudbe 5
🎇️ Kode za popust 5
📌 Ponudbe 0
➡️ Najboljši kupon 20% popust
🚚 Brezplačna dostava NE
🔄 Rok za vračilo 30 dni
⏳ Zadnja posodobitev 28 april 2024

Najboljše kode kuponov za COLUMBIA

C6H6 Zagotovite si 20 % popusta pri polni ceni izdelkov Columbia Sportswear Promocijska koda Avgust 31, 2024
DEAL10 Prihranite 10 % popusta na redne cene izdelkov Columbia Promocijska koda Avgust 31, 2024
EXTRA15 15 % dodatnega popusta na artikle COLUMBIA Promocijska koda Julij 31, 2024
VERAND10 10 % popust na artikle po polni ceni COLUMBIA Promocijska koda Julij 31, 2024

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